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Services or Offerings?
The form is used to request accounts for access to library resources who are not a member of the SMU community.

Adobe Acrobat Pro or other Adobe licenses

Read more about how to keep your data protected on university and home computers.

Asset Form for the Evergreen Process

If you need help with Banner, such as custom script, view, report, database clone, etc., you can submit a support request to Information Systems and Services team.

Departments wishing to send out Broadcast Emails to the SMU Community

Campus Announcements are found inside of SMUport and faculty or staff can request an announcement to be posted.

Report a computer problem in a Classroom or Lab.

Researchers can complete and submit this form as the initial first step and starting point in the process to purchase a computer or computer equipment, under $10,000, using research funds.

Saint Mary's has hundreds of general access computers on campus. Member of the Smu community can use these computers to access internet, email, software, and printer services. SMU computer account can be used to log into these computers.

Bell Daily Roam Travel Package

Our Classroom Support Team can help you make the most of the campus based and online audio/visual technology for teaching and learning.