Make sure all cables are there and connected including the network cable.
Log into your on-campus computer
Enter current password on all your mobile devices (cell phones, personal laptops or tablets) in the Wi-Fi settings as well as your email account if configured.
Important changes have been made for any Android devices running version 11 or greater and Apple devices running it's latest OS version. The articles below pertain to the Eduroam network but will also need to be used for connecting to smu-wifi.
See this article for Android:
See this article for Apple:
See this article for Android 11 connecting to SMU-WiFi:
If a computer has been shut down for an extended time, it will need to install updates to the operating system **Please note: EIT currently does NOT recommend that you install Feature Update 20H2 (or 21H1) as it has been know to cause some issues**
Depending on the situation, installing all updates may take several hours to complete.
Your computer will likely run more slowly than normal while installing updates; plan accordingly by setting aside time to let updates run.
Some applications will update automatically when run or may need to be updated manually.
Some software that requires a license purchase or subscription may have expired (ie. SPSS)
Our server \\office-printers is no longer in service. Go to “Printers and Scanners” (Click Start and type Printers and Scanners and then select from the list) and if your printer is installed from there, please delete. Then click on Start and type \\smu-prt-off, select from the list to open and double-click the printer that you wish to print to.
If you have a new computer that does not have any printers installed, please follow the step above to add from \\smu-prt-off.
For Mac users, please install following these instructions:
Check your office phone to ensure that you can still make outbound calls and check voice mail. You can contact the EIT Helpdesk if you need help resetting your voice mail password.
Directly Create, Comment and Review your Service Requests here: SMU email and password to login.
Email: Phone 902-496-8111