Zscaler Client - Windows


The Zscaler client will be installed remotely via Intune deployment when a user's device has been assigned to the installation group

Client Login

Once the client is installed, login may be required, open the app from the Windows system tray and click on the Login button, if not already logged in. Zscaler is setup to use SSO (single sign on) authentication, in most cases it will use the exiting user credentials to login, without any interaction. In the event that a user is prompted for a Username/Password, please use your SMU email address and password to authenticate.

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Client Modules

Once a user is logged in, they can review the modules that are ON/OFF, the Internet Security (ZIA) module will be turned on for SMU owned devices where the Zscaler client has been deployed, a password is required to turn it off. The other modules, Private Access (ZPA), used for access to SMU network resources and Digital Experience (ZDX), used for troubleshooting device connection and performance issues are assigned and turned on as needed and will not apply to all users/devices.

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