New Password Recommendations


To ensure your safety while using our online services, EIT recommends using the following password requirements when setting your new password:

  1. Recommend 15 characters or longer - minimum required is 12 characters.
  2. Should not be the same as your last 12 passwords.
  3. Should meet the following criteria:
    • At least 3 uppercase characters (A-Z)
    • At least 3 lowercase characters (a-z)
    • At least 3 numerical digits (0-9)
    • At least 3 symbols (eg. !, $, #, space, ?, %, etc) (no commas)

The below examples will not be available for use.

  • SantaClausBeard1225!@@%
  • j33p3rs?!CREEPERS?!
  • (%&)HappySmileyFace678
  • NeverGonnaGiveUUp123!@#
  • nEVERgONNAlETudOWN789&*(

We understand it may be difficult to remember or create a password to meet the new complexity requirements for this We recommend using a password manager.

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