With the implementation of PaperCut it will now be possible to add printers to your own devices and allow you to print over campus WiFi to any of the lab/classroom/general access printers that previously required you to be logged into a SMU PC to access.
This additional functionality will work with devices running Windows OS/MacOS/iOS/AndroidOS, below is a dynamic link that will provide you OS specific instructions along with a helpful video to guide you through the process of leveraging PaperCut Mobility Print for BYOD.
For Windows device you can follow the instructions below:
- Once you click on the link above you will be redirected to the website below:

- After Installing the Setup File in your browser ensure you keep the file

- Next, Open the setup file (.exe) and accept the terms of agreement

- Wait for the Printer List to be retrieved:
- For students: Select the Student-BW and Student-CL printers from the list.
- For Faculty/Staff: Select FACSTAFF-FINDME or office specific printer from the list.

- Next, Sign in with your SMU Email and Password

After, wait for the printers to be installed and you are ready to print from your personal device. Happy Printing!