Mobility Print for BYOD (bring your own device)

With the implementation of PaperCut it will now be possible to add printers to your own devices and allow you to print over campus WiFi to any of the lab/classroom/general access printers that previously required you to be logged into a SMU PC to access.

This additional functionality will work with devices running Windows OS/MacOS/iOS/AndroidOS, below is a dynamic link that will provide you OS specific instructions along with a helpful video to guide you through the process of leveraging PaperCut Mobility Print for BYOD.



For Windows device you can follow the instructions below:

  • Once you click on the link above you will be redirected to the website below:


  • After Installing the Setup File in your browser ensure you keep the file


  • Next, Open the setup file (.exe) and accept the terms of agreement


  • Wait for the Printer List to be retrieved:
    • For students: Select the Student-BW and Student-CL printers from the list.
    • For Faculty/Staff: Select FACSTAFF-FINDME or office specific printer from the list.


  • Next, Sign in with your SMU Email and Password


After, wait for the printers to be installed and you are ready to print from your personal device. Happy Printing!

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