If you are working on a University owned computer (off campus) and have received an MS Office is not activated error, these instructions will fix this.
For faculty and staff:
1) Connect the computer through VPN, (if you don't have VPN, see https://ppm.smu.ca/TDClient/KB/ArticleDet?ID=425 )
2) Open MS Office (Word or Outlook)
3) Click on File
4) Click Account
5) Click Check for updates
6) Close
7) Reopen, and it should now be activated.
Students using a University computer (off campus):
1) You will have to go on campus (or in the parking lot) and connect to "smu-wifi" wireless network
2) Open MS Office (Word or Outlook)
3) Click on File
4) Click Account
5) Click Check for updates
6) Close
7) Reopen, and it should now be activated.