The primary strength of SHAZAM is the estimation and testing of many types of econometric and statistical models. Build and estimate models by choosing variables and selecting techniques using your mouse, or code them quickly using the powerfully simple SHAZAM Command Language. SHAZAM also provides capabilities for both matrix programming and the programming of reusable procedures.
With SHAZAM you can do:
ARCH and GARCH Models
ARIMA Models
Autocorrelation Models
Beta Regression
Box-Cox Models
Chow Test and Goldfeld-Quandt Test
Cointegration Testing
Combined Box-Cox and Box-Tidwell Model
Computing the Power of a Test
Confidence Intervals and Ellipse Plots
Cross-Section Heteroskedasticity and Timewise Autoregression
Data Smoothing and Seasonal Adjustments
Cumulative Distribution Function Computation
Data Sorting
Data Transformations