Troubleshooting - Validation Failed
- Click 'Retry'
- Check Internet Connection
- Ensure AppsAnywhere Client is Installed
- Open a private browser Window to see first use prompts again

- Try a different browser e.g. IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari
Troubleshooting - Access to Apps
- Search for the app or check 'Unavailable apps'

- Apps does not appear for the end user:
- User is not in the required AD group
- App does not exist (can someone else see it?)
- App listed is unavailable
- View 'More Info' and check restrictions
- Has validation completed successfully?
- If no, treat as 'Validation Failed'
Troubleshooting - Unable to Launch
- Try again in a new browser session
- Try a different browser e.g. IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari
- Uninstall and re-install the AppsAnywhere Client
- Check which delivery method is being used:
- Cloudpaging Player installed correctly?
- Local app not working?

- View/send Log File
- In the Cloudplayer App, click on File and select Options
- Click on View Log
- Copy/paste into Word and send to if needed

For Mac users, the log file should be in this location:

Useful Details:
- Username
- Device (e.g. Lab PC or personal device)
- Operating System
- Location