Teams and Zoom are both great at doing what they do. If you are trying to decide between what is best for your use, here are some highlights of each to get you started. People have different work flows, so you might find one to be better suited for you.
Zoom Meeting Sign in Page
Teams PC Install (If you have admin rights)
Here are a few things to consider.
Top features / highlights / best for
- Team based productivity
- Sharing documents
- Email-style threaded conversations
- Chat/instant messaging
- Skype integration
- Office365 integration
- Auto switch to talking person
- 4 hours talk time for groups
- Blur/ customize background
- Basic video call quality
- Ease of use
- Allows screen sharing
- Breakout rooms
- Board meetings
- Free for one on one
- Poll up to 100 people
- NEW E2E encryption (as of April 29 2020)
- 40 min talk time for groups
- Video tutorials/ phone support
- Each option can run an app to link out to the other
Teams |
- Microsoft Teams is available for free as part of the Saint Mary's University Office 365 Licensing Agreement.
- ITSS has purchased a block of rooms for use. Contact ITSS for use.
- Webinar and large group meets licences available through EIT secretary
- Free Trial: Available (No Credit Card required)
- Basic - for personal meetings: Free
Helpful YouTube Videos for set up and tips
Some great tips for Teams
Microsoft Planner 2019 Review: Office 365 Project Management
Very good how to set up for teaching and host meetings with Zoom.
Some great Zoom tips
Helpful Zoom Video Tutorials
Includes how to join a meeting, schedule a meeting with zoom website, meeting controls, scheduling a meeting with Google calender, scheduling a meeting with outlook, assigning scheduling privelage in Outlook, breakout rooms, closed captioning, and all about Zoom Webinar.
Security and Privacy Tips
Please see the link below for the SMU Set Up for Security article for ZOOM.
Here is a link to a youtube links on how to LOCK DOWN the meeting.
It is advised to watch the video to help keep your meetings and your colleges safe from harassment.
We will be adding more information here as it is rapidly changing due to the industries response on boom in popularity.
All users must practice good cybersafety and not click on links or attachments unless completely certain they are safe. Just like you would on campus.
We all share the responsibility.
Teams Privacy and Security.
- Team's default setting requires login with password. No concern.
- There doesn't appear to be a lot of concern around data collection.
- Encryption of data in transit and at rest.
Zoom Privacy and Security.
- Zoom’s default settings don’t encourage a password to be set for meetings. (You must set a password manually) (See. Google 'Zoombombing')
- Ongoing privacy and data collection concerns. These change rapidly.
- Application layer using TLS 1.2 with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 256-bit algorithm for the Desktop Client.
- Zoom has fixed it's Mac iOS installer which handles the pkg pre install issues.
- Has removed the Log in with Facebook feature that communicated some basic info to FB for advertising. They where not selling your data to FB.
- Zoom is IS now end to end (E2E) encrypted.
- All chats are E2E.
Here are the links to the official pages outlining the security of each
Teams security set up for IT
More in depth feature comparison
Teams ZOOM
- @mentions
- Access control
- Activity feed management
- Assistant bots
- Built-in & custom tabs
- Call management
- Channel favoriting & following
- Chat/instant messaging
- Commands
- Contact search by name or email address
- Conversation search
- Conversation tracking
- Customizable alerts
- Customizable for each team
- Email-style threaded conversations
- Emojis, GIFs, stickers
- Group chat
- In-line animated GIFs
- Meeting scheduling
- Multi-factor authentication
- Notes
- Office 365 & custom connectors
- Open API
- Organization wide teams
- Real-time chat history across devices
- Skype integration
- Tabs for frequently used documents
- Team chats & private discussions
- Team lists
- Teams overview grid
- Third-party integrations
- Third-party notifications & updates
- Usage reports
- Voice & video conferencing
- Whiteboard
- Active speaker view
- Admin dashboard
- Attendee management
- Attention indicator
- Board meetings
- CRM integration
- Chat / messaging
- Co-annotation
- Collaboration tools
- Committee meetings
- Company branding
- Conferencing
- Content management
- Drag & drop file sharing
- Email invitations
- HIPAA compliance
- Instant messaging
- Internal meetings
- Legislative meetings
- Live / video conferencing
- Meeting ID
- Meeting management
- Reporting & statistics
- Role-based permissions
- SSL security
- Scheduling
- Screen sharing
- Security & encryption
- Synced & searchable content library
- Third party integration
- User management
- Video call recording
- Zoom Rooms digital signage