Steps to add any printer from our smu-prt-off print server to a wired Mac desktop/laptop computer. This process should be used ONLY for Ricoh Printing. See Mobility Printing for Konica Printers.
Go to System Preferences and click on Printers & Scanners. once there click on the + to add a new printer.

Once the add window opens, hold down Control and click on the toolbar, in the menu that opens, click on Customize Toolbar.

Once the customize toolbar window opens, drag the Advanced button to the toolbar. Once the button is there, click Done to exit the customize window.

Click on the Advanced button, check if you have the right Konica Driver installed by clicking on Choose a Driver and looking for Konica Minolta C454e PS. If you do not have the driver, please download and install the file listed Konica Drivers at the right of this article then follow the steps below.
If you have the correct driver then you can skip this step and follow the step below

Click on the Advanced button, in the Type field click on the drop down arrows to slect Windows printer via spoolss.

After the smb:// enter your S#, S# Password and windows print queue name you wish to add as per below. Then give the printer the same name as the windows print queue, enter the location and in the Use field click the drop down to pick Select Software to specify the driver appropriate to the printer you are adding.
One all the information is verified click on Add.

The computer will connect to the printer and then stop and ask your to confirm the options, if the unit is a Konica and has a finisher, select it from the list.

Once the options are verified click OK to complete the process.

The printer is now added and can be tested.

The first time a user prints to the printer added they will be prompted for a username and password as per below. The user should enter their S# and S# Password and can choose to save the password in their Keychain. This article >>> Update Keychain Password will guide users through upating their keychain password for the print server following an activation.