MatLab R2022a


MatLab R022a


MATLAB® is a programming and numeric computing environment used by millions of engineers and scientists to analyze data, develop algorithms, and create models. MATLAB provides professionally developed toolboxes for signal and image processing, control systems, wireless communications, computational finance, robotics, deep learning, and AI, and more. 

MATLAB® combines a desktop environment tuned for iterative analysis and design processes with a programming language that expresses matrix and array mathematics directly. It includes the Live Editor for creating scripts that combine code, output, and formatted text in an executable notebook. 


Prebuilt apps allow you to interactively perform iterative tasks. You can then automatically generate the corresponding MATLAB code to reproduce your work and add it to your script with a push of a button. 

You can extend MATLAB with thousands of packages and toolboxes shared on GitHub, MATLAB File Exchange, and elsewhere.  And MATLAB code and algorithms can be deployed to run on cloud and enterprise systems, used directly in Simulink®, or automatically converted to C/C++, HDL, and CUDA code to run on embedded devices. 

MATLAB apps let you see how different algorithms work with your data. Iterate until you’ve got the results you want, then automatically generate a MATLAB program to reproduce or automate your work.

Scale your analyses to run on clusters, GPUs, and clouds with only minor code changes. There’s no need to rewrite your code or learn big data programming and out-of-memory techniques. 

OS Supported

Windows 10

Apple MacOS

License Details

This license is an annual subscription purchased by Saint Mary's University

Available to



Personal devices and university-owned devices

How to Get

For Students/Staff/Faculty: Matlab is available via

Faculty only: For special requests, please contact EIT Helpdesk at


For more information, visit


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Article ID: 523
Mon 3/15/21 3:10 PM
Fri 7/15/22 12:55 PM